Sunday 20 June 2010

13 - Hope is a funny thing.

12 - Because of you, I learned how to smile. 

11 - But it's okay. If I listen hard, maybe I'll hear our music again.

10 - You died, and i'm sorry. I didn't realise they would kill you too. 

9 - They said it was always going to happen like that. I can still remember their faces when I went screaming back into the hospital for help. I thought the hole in your heart had torn open. 

8 - I was so busy grimacing at the taste, I didn't see you until you fell to the floor.

7 - We waited until everybody else was asleep, and then we snuck up to the hospital to get my medication.

6 - "It's a fairy gathering, they chose that tree because they're discussing how to bring light to your life, they're lighting all the lanterns, and the noise is just there to cover the music. I can hear it. So can you, if you listen..."

5 - We sat on my windowledge, watching the tree at the end of my road. I told you about how it was caused by the streetlights behind the tree and the dark and the cars going past, just out of sight. You pushed your finger to my lips and whispered:

4 - So many things happened to us, and most of them I couldn't stop. When I told you I knew a way to stop it all, you supported me all the way. Thank you.

3 - You'd had it ever since you were a baby, and the doctors had sewn it up for you (I always thought they'd sewn a little plaid patch there). It didn't sound so romantic when you showed me the scar.

2 - You said: "I have a hole in my heart."
Which I thought it sounded romantic, so I told you I would fill it in for you. Until you laughed.
I still tried.

1 - Out of all my imaginary friends, you were my favourite.

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